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Koi Ren is a new media artist and creative technologist whose practice is centered around the intersection of the human body and technology fantasy. Using wearable devices, artificial intelligence, and immersive tools, Koi's work challenges traditional power dynamics and provides agency and alternative reality to marginalized perspectives. Their work is exhibited in Asia Digital Art Exhibition, Gray Area, Shanghai fashion week, Heckscher Museum, iidrr Gallery and collaborating with organizations like Santa Rosa Island Research Station, Nike Innovation, highlighting a fusion of creativity and technical expertise. They hold a Master of Human-computer Interaction and New Media Certificate from University of California, Berkeley.

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Lava.AI.Dream (2023) Artificial Intelligence, Generative Projecting, Sound Art
AccentSisters, New York City, NY | Asia Digital Art Exhibition, Beijing, China | Evolutionary Space, MediaLab, Shanghai, China
Gaze through the Second Sex (2020) Wearable interactive Installation, Biosensor & Hardware, Generative Design
Ming Museum, Shanghai, China | Shanghai Fashion Week, Shanghai, China
In Vivo/In Vitro Trial 1.4 (2024) Artificial Intelligence Installation
Pebblebed, San Francisco, CA
In Vivo/In Vitro Trial 2 (2024) Artificial Intelligence Installation
Gray Area, San Francisco, CA
Take Me to Your Skin (2023) Projection Mapping, AI Real-time Generation
Hecksher Museum, New York City, NY
FishTalk (2023) AI Sound Training, Immersive Interaction
Supercollider, Los Angeles, CA | Project 643, Ventura, CA
:lepus (2023) Interactive Biosignal Installation, Web Art
Galerie Met, Berlin, Germany | iidrr Gallery, New York City, NY
Hexen (2023) Wearable installation Performance, Sound Art
iidrr Gallery, New York City, NY
MetaEnsemble (2021) Wearable New Instrument, Sound Art
Auto Space, Beijing, China (17).gif
BesideWild (2022) Virtual Reality Experience, Biosensory Computing
Emoshion (2022) Augmented Reality Fashion, Biosensory Computing (3).gif
Nike Innovation (2021-2023) Creative Data visualization, Hardware, Mixed Reality
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RecoVR (2024) Mixed Reality Experience,  Biosensor Computing
MIT Reality Hack, Boston, MA 
Star & Arts (2022) Augmented Reality Exhibition
Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA
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